Monday, July 25, 2011

The Do's and Don'ts of Business Facebook Pages


Anonymous said...

What I wouldnt give to have a debate with you about this. You just say so many things that arrive from nowhere that Im fairly certain Id have a fair shot. Your blog is wonderful visually, I mean people wont be bored. But others who can see past the videos and the layout wont be so impressed together with your generic understanding of this subject.

David McBee said...

Actually, I don't think a debate is in order. I'd rather just have a conversation so I could learn from you. I'm all about getting around people who are smarter than me.

I do not claim to be an expert on these topics (Note this comment in my blog intro: "There are definitely more knowledgeable people out there and probably better explanations. If the info here is too simplistic, I encourage you to seek out more in depth explanations.")

Truth is, my posts are meant to be high level. That's kinda the point. So many business owners are trying to navigate the worlds of SEO, PPC, Social Media, Internet Marketing... I just want to help those that are new to the space to get a basic understanding. I encourage everyone to "graduate" to blogs that are more specialized and educational when they are ready.

As for my understanding of the subjects being generic - I think you might be surprised. Just because I don't write more elaborate posts about SEO, PPC and Social Media doesn't mean I don't get them. My relationships with some of the smartest people in internet marketing have taught me a lot. Not to mention the fact that I get my clients RESULTS.

Regard2011, I do appreciate your comment. My best guess - I could learn a lot from you, and I would surprise you in person. Maybe some day we'll get the chance to find out. :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy you because of all of your effort on this site. Its been an motivation for me. I've passed this onto a friend of mine.

David McBee said...


Steve Maxson said...

I agree with all your main points but I feel that saying your Facebook page is just as important as your website is a stretch to say the least especially for B2B companies.

The biggest challenge with Facebook and other social media sites is how much time and attention is required to make them a successful tool. You almost need someone dedicated to this to do it right. But most business owners just want to tack it on to the responsibilities of an employee who has more important tasks to accomplish.

David McBee said...
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David McBee said...

theStever, I didn't used to think facebook pages were as important as your website and maybe that is a bit of a stretch. But I can't help but think of how much money we spent on our Cancun vacation and how they probably wouldn't have gotten our business without a facebook page. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that facebook pages are BECOMING just as important as websites.

As for B2B, you're always going to have struggles online because it's a real B2C environment. But remember, even the 2nd B in B2B is still a consumer at heart and uses the web the same as everyone else.

thanks for your comments!

Steve Maxson said...

David, first of all I really need to change my user name if I am to be taken seriously in these discussions.

From my experience I think the big challenge with B2B on Facebook is that generally the decision makers at businesses are older and may not have a Facebook account or at least don't use it in a business sense. If they are in need of a service they feel more comfortable searching on Google than finding them on a site where the biggest thing is Justin Bieber and the Jersey Shore.

I did say generally in the above paragraph so IMO there is still potential to earn sales even in a B2B market. However, I would bet that even if people find you on Facebook as an internet marketer/ad agency/design firm etc. they are going to check out your website either through a link you posted or by finding it on your page/profile before deciding to do business with you.

So my point is that the website is still vastly more important but there is a place for Facebook and social media.